Private Pilot Lesson Plans

    These are the lesson plans I use when I am teaching a student to receive his private pilot's certificate.  Each lesson plan includes a description of the lesson, what tasks are to be covered and what the standards the student must meet in order to successfully complete the tasks.  The accompanying pictures includes demonstrations of those tasks and are from various sources including the FAA and Jeppesen Pilot Training Manuals.

Aerodynamics Emergency Approach
Emergency Descent Go Around
Slow Flight (Minimum Controllable Airspeed) Normal Landing
Rectangular Course Short Field Landing
Soft Field Landing Stalls and Spin Awareness
Steep Turns S-Turns
Take Off Turns About a Point

    Each lesson plan is in word format and will give you a choice to download or to view the lesson plan from your browser.  The files are generally less than 400 KB, so they should download fairly quickly.  Simply choose the option that is best for you.

Please feel free to provide feedback on the lesson plans.